i fully agree.. a great disc from start to finish! Mark Hudson is a perfect fit for Ringo both songwriting/production-wise. Ringo's drumming is really amazing.. can't believe he's 63 years old. The duet with Willie Nelson; "WRITE ONE FOR ME" is my fave on a disc full of standout tracks. Dan McKenzie --- In audities@yahoogroups.com, "robwhite@e..." wrote: > I finally purchased the latest Ringo Starr CD & it is REALLY terrific. It > is as good as the famous 1973 "Ringo" LP. Some of the earlier cuts sound > like 1980's Zappa/Vai instrumentation! I recommend this CD for pop music > lovers. > > Robbie White > > -------------------------------------------------------------------- > mail2web - Check your email from the web at > http://mail2web.com/ .