I keep my collection in sections; A thru Z (artists and bands in chronological order), various artists, comedy and soundtracks. The various artists begin with collections like the Billboard year to year CDs and sets like the Have A Nice Day series or Just Can't Get Enough New Wave series from Rhino. Pretty much after all of the decade sets (Time-Life, etc.) and various bubblegum and power pop sets like Yellow Pills there really is no rhyme or reason to my order. There's an area for tributes (but I often put a few next to the artist that the tribute is for like The Hollies). I've got some surf CDs in one area and lounge stuff next to all of the Hawaiian comp CDs. I've tried in the past to get some sort of theme going but found that it takes too much of my time. The various artists section is just a place to put everything else without much of thought which goes against the rest of my anal decisions for the library. There's always a few artists in the A-Z that drives my friends nuts when they go thru the CDs or vinyl. I left it this way since I was I kid...I put all the solo Beatle albums right after the Beatles. In addition, I'll have some artists that have a connection like Denny Laine which meant I then had to put The Moody Blues after that. I decided not to do that with my CDs which is still tough to get used to since childhood. The only other thing that I haven't changed is Olivia Newton-John. I know she belongs in "N" but I continue to put her right after Elton John. I'm also a little odd in that I start every shelf from right to left which probably began as a kid with those racks that displayed the whole album cover in the first right slot. Signing Out Left To Right, Michael McCartney KEAO / KONI / KPMW now playing: "Haircut Girl" - Sparkle Jets U.K. __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month! http://sbc.yahoo.com