At 10:10 AM 7/1/2003 +0100, Mark Buckle wrote: >Not sure how many Auditeers managed to get there this year, but I sensed that Brendan Benson got a lot of support from the audience and IMHO he played a fine set that fitted perfectly into the unusually sunny surroundings. I have to say the gig of the weekend was/(were?) The Polyphonic Spree, a 20+ piece band from Austin Texas who had previously passed me by (I don't get out enough...) > >In the midst of continued sunshine and far too much cider I came across a fantastic hybrid of Jellyfish, Meatloaf and the The Negro Problem. I'm staggered these guys haven't had a mention on Audities? Does it not reach Texas yet?? ;o) Dunno about anyone else, but I've mentioned the Polyphonic Spree a few times here: they're amazing live, but their debut album is slightly disappointing in comparison. It doesn't capture the band's wilder aspects, adn it basically sounds like the Flaming Lips with a lower recording budget. S