I disagree with Eytan that it's a big rip off. Sure, there are some questionable items on display (Britney's jumpsuit included), but there are far more interesting and deserving pieces included that are worth seeing. I used to date a girl who's family lived in Cleveland. They got me a membership the first two years it was open, so I spent a lot of time there (which was MUCH better than spending with her and her family!). Haven't been back in about 5 years, so I'm not sure what's on display nowadays. But I loved seeing the old punk (Ramones, Sex Pistols) memorabilia. Lots of cool old Who stuff too. But my favorite (morbid as it may seem) is the section of Otis Redding's plane that was recovered. I'm a huge Otis fan, so to see that is very special to me. I know that they rotate memorabilia and display items on a regular basis, so there's always something there new to see. Chris -----Original Message----- From: Eytan Mirsky [mailto:eytanmirsky@hotmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 9:50 PM To: audities@smoe.org Subject: The Rock Hall The Rock Hall in Cleveland is a big waste and an outrageous rip-off ($15, I think). No, $15 didn't impoverish me, but when you think of all the great museums with timeless treasures you can go to for much less, $15 for a chance to see Britney Spears' jumpsuit doesn't seem like a fair bargain. The introductory films they show were simplistic and silly. And there doesn't seem to be a coherent sense of what Rock and Roll even is...Britney Spears? _________________________________________________________________ The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE* http://join.msn.com/?page=features/junkmail