Billy S. wrote: > Favorite Summer song for me? - thats gotta be Pilot's "Magic" from 1975. I always loved this song and when I joined the Wondermints playing bass in the early 90's, this gem was a regular in our live shows. Indeed, I'm sure a few of you out there have a recording of this from a collection of covers we did called "Live at the rehearsal room" which appeared on the back of one of the multicolored tapes we used to give out at shows. The bass line to Magic is really fun and challenging. Brian n.p. Just received from Notlame--Biff! Bang! Powder also with Ray Columbus and the Art Collection and Thomas and Richard Frost. 27 Alec Palao compliled tracks from the mid-late 60s! This stuff is FIRST RATE especially if you love "Sell-Out" period Who. Great Harmonies with frenetic Moon-inspired drumming. Up on deck--Rooney...:)