>Reminds me of some stuff I did with a small tape recorder. I wish I still had a tape that I recorded back in the mid-70s. The band Jigsaw had a hit with "Skyhigh" and I sang along with the record in my best rock star imitation voice. I think it was kinda cute at the time, but if I found it now I'd sure get a kick out of it! Maybe I'll take a stab at it again next time Splitsville has a karaoke night (or not!). The mayfair casssette deck I had had a external mic with a on/off switch, so besides taping my 45 collection and songs off the radio I'd go around the house and do mock radio "interviews" of my brother (LEAVE ME ALONE!) mom (I'M MAKING SUPPER) or Dad (ZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzz on the couch after a hard days work). I remember playing back my dad's snoring which left my brother and I in hysterics and he said "I never snore". Great fun, I wish I had kept those tapes. I also remember playing around with the reel-to-reel recorders that my elementary school had and learning how to make chipmunk voices with the different tape speeds. "Skyhigh" (one of my favorite 45's from that year) was a hit in 1975 - I also bought the sound-alike followup "Love Fire" (higher and higher!) but I never bought the LP. Billy