>>And speaking of creepout songs: >> >>"She was 15 years old >>And never seen the ocean >>She climbed into a van >>With a vagabond >>And the last thing she said >>Was "I love you mom" >>And a little rain >>Never hurt no one" >> >>Tom Waits - A Little Rain. Now why did THAT have to be written? >> >>g Hi Gary I have a theory about why that song "had" to be written. First, Tom Waits is a literary songwriter, chronicling (sometimes quite grapichally) the sad and evil fringes of the modern human condition, often in a dramatic and unflinching way. And perhaps because he lives up near Petaluma, CA this song was inspired by the Polly Klaas murder case that shook Northern California and touched the lives of all it's residents including native Winona Ryder who knew the family quite well and had helped search for Polly before they ulitmately found her body. That sound reasonable? PM np Tom Waits "What's He Building In There?" -- Paul Myers Media Content Creator Ideas, words, music and stuff. 604- 408 -0395 paulm@shaw.ca