In a message dated 6/24/2003 6:00:05 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > and I remember a song called Timothy about three boys trapped in a mine with no food,except the flesh of their buddy Timothy, sample lyric "Joe was lookin at you / God what did we do?"> Oh man, I have spent most of my life trying to forget this song and how it traumatized me! I was pretty small and I remember asking my mother what the song was about - the line "Timothy where on earth did you go?" obviously concerned me. My mom, not wanted to explain cannibalism to me at a tender young age, said Timothy was their dog and they lost him. I felt pretty sad about that. But then my mean older sister said "That's not true! They ate him!" before my mom managed to shut her up. So I spent most of my childhood thinking they had eaten their *dog* and that was bad enough. Then I happened to hear it once on some oldies station when I was a teenager and realized they had eaten their *friend*. EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! Either way, it's a wonder I didn't grow up to be a vegan. Terminally Traumatized (and obviously naive)Lola