Okay, here's another thread: Anyone here practically encounter a moment of musical epiphany, but somehow miss it entirely? What I mean is, uh... well, here's my example, that'll sum it up: I guess it was about 1967, my 16 year old cousin gave me my very first musical possession for my 7th birthday - an 8 track player, and tapes of the Beatles' Sgt Pepper elpee and some Motown tape with "Don't Mess With Bill" on it. I liked music then, I guess, but wasn't really a music fan per se at the time - - that came later when I was about 11 or 12. Anyway, rather than listen to these tapes, me and my younger brother unwound the tape from the cases and wrapped them about ten times around the first floor of the house -- through the kitchen, then dining room, then living room, and back again. So much for my musical beginnings...