At Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2003 21:44:19 David Bash wrote: >--- In, Paul Myers wrote: > > > With regard to that Philadelphonica thread... > > I recall with great warmth, my youth in Toronto listening to 1050 > > CHUM AM and sitting by my open apartment window in the winter time, > > snow blowing in, and dreaming that I would one day ask Maria Rossi > > out. I was listening to Betcha By Golly Wow and there were pre > > teenage tears in my eyes, >One of the reasons that series of cassettes I had of most of the top 40 >hits >from January 1970-December 1974 was my most precious musical possession was >that, while listening to them, my life would flash before my eyes and my >mind's eye in a series of emotional and physical snapshots and moving >pictures. Some of it was tangible, some of it wasn't, but it was >essentially the essence of my youth. When those tapes were stolen, it was >as if a part of my life was pilfered as well. I take it you never had the material replaced since losing them? Like Mr. Myers (we grew up only miles apart in the same suburb of Scarborough....and never met until years later peering over vinyl at Star Records @ Eglinton & Markham), I too was smitten with CHUM-AM radio. My memories of this early '70s pop confectionery are indellible. I've decided, as a treat to myself, that rather than flying to the IPO in LA at the end of July I'm going to drive across Canada and down the west coast. I'll be retracing the Canadian portion of the trip that my late Granny took me on exactly 28 years ago this past week. I have been compiling CD after CD of material from the CHUM Charts between 1969 and 1975 -- culminating in the final CHUM Chart the week we came back from our journey -- June 30, 1975. David....when I arrive in LA you can HAVE these discs....I'm sure a good portion of the material will be the SAME as those on your tapes. >I can't say with 100% certainty that today's kids don't understand, and I >never want to sound like some old fogey, but it does seem as if not just >the >radio of my youth, but also the complete listening experience, was better >in >my day. Eeek, "my day". Christ, I AM an old fogey! As our parents once said to us about TV...which was preceded by their parents' horror about radio in their day....and silent movies....and....and....we're all our children's out-step generation when you look at it. >Oh, just for the record, since you asked, you have one too many "La's" in >there. Also, the correct spelling is Delfonics. :-) I was once in a band called the DOLPHONICS....lead by a New Age Thinker who believed we evolved from the sea....don't was short lived, thank Jaimie Vernon, President, #1 West Hill Dr., Toronto, ON M1E 3T4 Canada (416) 284-7067 _________________________________________________________________ Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.