How about the ultimate love songs, the ones that name people like a shopping list? I Dig Rock and Roll Music - If this isn't the smarmiest awfullest song ever. It is mildly redeemed by a very funny imitation of Donovan and a clever parody of the beatles. If There's a Rock and Roll Heaven - Then this song belongs in hell. You know, this might be the worst kind of song ever. There is no artistry to this kind of music (see Billy Joel's we didn't start the fire for more examples of suck) Do You Like Good Music - Now this one I can get behind. I like when he does the Otis Redding bit, sounding all cranked up on cocaine he's almost panting. Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam..... What was the Ian Dury tune where he does bits of a bunch of cool new wave tunes?... Well these songs are the kings of the love songs to other bands, aren't they? Frank "I asked Hank Williams, 'how lonely does it get?' Hank Williams hasn't answered yet, but I can hear him coughing all night long, about a thousand flours above me in the tower of song." L. Cohen