In a message dated 6/27/03 1:47:10 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: << So MTV definitely had some influence ; I think that where my Crowded House/Finn obsession began ;-) (it was the video for World Where You Live and I was glued to the screen during their MTV Spring Break concert). I also have to give credit to watching "120 Minutes" occasionally. That's where I heard about The Church, Love and Rockets, Guadalcanal Diary, The Smiths, etc. I also used to buy "Star Hits" magazine. Anyone remember that ? >> Jenn, I enjoyed your post. It has been making me feel a little wistful this week too for my glory days of the 80's and following The Replacements, THE CHURCH, REM, Robyn Hitchcock etc. around. I had the world on a string but of course that didn't penetrate my thick head then. I don't even consider MTV to be a music station now but back in the early days it was a pretty fun network. It was there that I saw my first Church video (The Unguarded Moment - it was about 2 O'clock in the morning) and I have been a mega fan of theirs ever since....up to this very moment! I also used to sit up religiously every Sunday night to watch 120 minutes and I still have them all on vhs tape! Dave Kendall, Louis "OBNOXIOUS" Largent and Mr. Clean (can't remember his name) I used to record them on EP so I could fit 3 whole programs on each video tape. That show The Cutting Edge was pretty good too and so was Unplugged when Jules Shear was the host (remember The Church/Sinead edition?). I was/am also a big Crowded House fan although I must admit that I find Neil Finn's recent solo work to be a bit difficult for me. I was just listening to my very fave CH track the other day "Into Temptation" and it all came flooding back.... Cheers! Hope everybody on the East Coast is faring ok with this unbelievable HEAT! I HATE IT! MB