Interesting thread. Way back in '88, a guy came to the door selling magazine subscriptions. I was selling electronics at a department store at the time, so I decided to be nice to him and buy a subscription to Stereo Review. It was supposed to be for six months, but he must have screwed something up, because I kept getting it for two years. Anyway, I almost never read anything in those magazines except the record reviews. Somebody on the staff of that magazine must have been a closet power-pop fan, because that's where I discovered the existence of indie pop. I pretty quickly learned how to read the reviews -- there were certain keywords that pretty much meant I'd like it (especially if the reviewer name-checked Lennon, McCartney, or Wilson). It was in Stereo Review that I first heard of Chris von Sneidern, Teenage Fanclub, Matthew Sweet, and more obscure stuff like The Rock Club (anybody know anything about them?). There was also a locally owned CD store called CD Superstore that helped, because they were the first place I'd ever been with a "listen to anything in the store" policy. Before the days of online sound clips, something like that was a huge help. But I swear, all of that was like the Dark Ages compared to the Audities Era. It was a constant struggle to find good music. Nowadays the problem is not being able to afford all of the stuff on my wish list. Robert Berry