I would like to champion whoever had the guts to write the statement regarding the abuse of digital manipulation ("tuning" vocals, etc.). I can hear the fixed stuff all the time, and get extremely annoyed when I do - it's too damn perfect. My group (The Oohs, for those who don't already know) recorded our last CD completely in ProTools, but we did not take advantage of the capability of fixing our vocals or any other anal-retentive performance tweakage. While some may argue that since one is making a "permanent record" of the music it should be made the "best" it can possibly be, I and my bandmates are of the mindset that what one is capturing is a combination of time, talent and personality which shouldn't be tampered with for fear of losing the spark that makes it special in the first place - the humanity. It may be that one of the things that sets this list's chosen music apart from the masses is the "human" content. Every recording is a moment frozen in time, and if tweaked and tarted for every imperfection the technical magic may be staggering but the human magic will be lost. The very thing that makes any of us special can be wiped away in no time, and you then get the sea of musical clones with which we are currently inundated on the radio and TV. That's why video has become so important - so you can distinguish the difference by sight, 'cause you sure aren't gonna do it by ear. Don't get me wrong - I love and embrace the technology...I just hate the abuse that it causes. (And don't get me started on drum machines and sequencers!) Brioohs -- THE OOHS HOME PAGE at http://www.theoohs.com THE OOHS on MP3.COM at http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/192/the_oohs.html "SATURDAY MORNING DREAM" is here! - "EAR CANDY" still available!