hi pop friends! this has been a burning question for years -- the first 33 1/3 spinning piece of vinyl i ever purchased was "elton john's greatest hits." now, here's the rub -- a buddy of mine at the time (1977) insisted that it wasn't a true album; it was a collection. so, there i sat with my greatest hits collection, my k-tel collections my dad bought me, my keith album that was a birthday gift and a smattering of 45s. to this day i'm wondering if sir elton's collection was indeed my first album purchase. i finally entered the "real" album world when i bought boston's debut. then i had cred with my buddy. to this day, i listen to both elton john and boston's first. and...morphing into album most played -- hands down, i'm still obsessed with the high llamas' "hawaii." if you've ever seen the movie "my life as a dog" and laughed at how ingmar's uncle was constantly irritating his wife with his incessant enjoyment of a certain record, well, that's my household when "hawaii" winds up. first 45s -- "don't let the sun go down on me", "billy don't be a hero" and "band on the run." bought 'em at woolco along with an evel knievel poster with money grampa wanted me to have right before he died. cheers and pop on friends! mark flora np: king radio "are you the sick passenger?" -- great job frank!