Dave said... I've always really really liked "Alone Again (Naturally)", partly because it brings me back to the time it was a hit when i was a wee kid, and part because I think it is a really great melody. But Stewart's statement caused me to run through the lyrics in my head, and, yeah, they sure are overwhelmingly depressing and self-pitying, to the point that if they weren't married to that great melody, I'd probably hate "AA,(N)". I guess this is as much proof as any that I also share the philosophy that bad lyrics may wreck an average tune, but a great melody can save bad (or uncomfortable) lyrics. Hi Dave and Stewart, I must admit that I love Gilbert O'Sullivan and admit that some of his songs have some of the cheesiest lyrics ever written ( Part of why I am posting is that I happen to be listening to him right now). That said, I also really like AA,N and I'll even say I find the lyrics to "Alone again, Naturally" to have some grace... Especially the following.. .. looking back over the years, what ever else dies appears. I remember I cried when my father died, never wishing to hide the tears. And at 65 years old, my mother god rest her soul, couldn't understand why the only man she had ever loved had been taken. Leaving her to start, with a heart so badly broken. Despite encouragement from me, no words were ever spoken. When she passed away, I cried and cried all day. Alone again, Naturally. Just my opinion, "naturally". But, I think there is more their then just self pity. Now, "Claire" I also love but some of the lyrics are well, kind of creepy.... I don't care what people say to me your more then a child. or But why, despite of our age differences do I cry and each time I leave you I feel I could die. Nothing means more to me then hearing you say, I'm going to marry you Will.... I guess it was a different time indeed. Steve D who thinks "GET DOWN" is just the best....