I'm really enjoying these first album and reminiscing threads -- seriously enough to delurk in a substantive fashion. Gawd, RayPaul what a cooool Everly experience. Whoever it was got the Beach Boys Sunflower LP signed, yes damnit, go put up with Mike Love and get the other two. And Funky Paul M... you should write a book about childhood music recollections (or at least an article for Amplifier or something). Grrrrrrrrreat read and reread for some twisted nostalgic reason... As for 1st albums, I bought singles all through my '60's tight-budgeted childhood with a few much loved gifts of Beatles and Beach Boys LPs. My first self-funded LP purchase was at the Wherehouse in San Diego around '69 or '70 and it was a dual grab of Crosby, Stills and Nash and More of the Monkees (Kind of Girl I Could Love set me on a life-long Nez fanship and one of the most jazzed moments of my annual IPO journey was when Barry Holdship pounded out a perfect cover of it after tossing a ski cap into the crowd!). So thousands of LPs & CDs later (quit counting or cataloging after 3500) I am now actually overwhelmed with trying to maintain and rotate them through the various electronic spinners. Thank goodness for the jukebox CD player and 10cd car player that has an ever rotating cast of often unknown and surprisingly good tunes whirling away (What was that? Oh why the hell don't artists ALLWAYS put at least their name and album title on the damn CD itself!!!???? Yes I have a stack of CDs without identifiable markings that need to submit to alchemy to get located back with their jewelcases someday...) In any event, I've noticed that there are a bunch of albums that get frequent, consistent, repeat loadings over the years and I was wondering which discs you folks bring back into rotation frequently (say 4 or more times a year) that you have owned for at least 3 or 4 years? I would have to include the Rooks - 1st, T. Rex - Electric Warrior (the Rhino remaster is incredible if only it wasn't for that pesky 20 minute bonus interview), the aforementioned BB's - Sunflower, and the Grays. Its interesting but many things I consider some of the "best" albums I've ever heard don't automatically make it into frequent rotation. So please fire away, I find myself needing to fill up a couple changers this week and have no doubt that inspiration from auditeers will be forthcoming . Bob Mootz Olympia, WA getting ready for a July 22 departure to LA NP: I haven't a frickin clue, but it's awesome--- Alva Star or something off of a Bambalam maybe???? Nope it's the Lost weekend I picked up at the Michael Carpenter thingy in Portland last month! This is great!!!