Hmmm--if I don't count any of the many used LPs I picked up at garage sales and flea markets as a teen in the mid-'70s, the first album I remember buying with my own money was Boston's debut. I'm sure I must have bought something before that--probably several somethings--but that's the first I can specifically remember going to to the store and purchasing. A little while later, I also bought The Beatles' Live At The Hollywood Bowl album (thus inadvertantly angering the lovely Linda McLaren, who'd intended to give it to me as a high school graduation present; probably blew my chances with her right then and there. On the plus side, she went in with two other girls and bought me the White Album instead....) CC! THIS IS ROCK 'N' ROLL RADIO Sunday nights from 9 to midnight Eastern USA time (with repeats all day Wednesday), on the web at Syracuse Community Radio