At 03:38 PM 6/24/2003 -0500, Michael Bennett wrote: >Stewart -- I don't recall you mentioning your dad's store before -- what >type of store and did you buy any other memorable records there? My dad was a district manager for TG&Y, the same company Billy mentions in his post on the subject. I bought many many records at TG&Y over the years, particularly out of the bargain bin, where they had such treasures as all of Badfinger's Apple albums and the rest of the non-Beatles Apple catalogue. I also bought a couple of albums on Stax through there. That fact coupled with the fact that the covers of #1 RECORD and RADIO CITY looked strangely familiar to me when I finally bought them in high school leads me to believe that both those albums were frequently seen in the TG&Y bargain bins, which I now view as one of the major missed opportunities of my life, up there with being too dense to figure out until a year or so later that Kristin Hollingshead was totally hitting on me in 7th grade social studies. S