>In 1974, at the very late age of 15, my first album purchases were cassettes >of The Beatles "1962-1966" and "1967-1970". Good heavens, the esteemed Mr. Bash and I are the same age. That must be (at least a small) part of why I find myself here, enjoying this list so much. Man, what a great list of "first albums purchased"! Gilbert O'Sullivan Box Tops Dr. Hook The Archies Supertramp Queen The New York Dolls Beatles (6 time mention and counting) The Spinners Simon and Garfunkel Beach Boys (surfin safari was my 2nd!) In 1965, my grandmom asked my Mom what she should get me for my birthday, I was 6. Mom told her that I'd been dancing around in my Beatle wig for months now, singing along with the radio. Sure enough, good old Mom-Mom got me "Meet the Beatles". I will NEVER forget her walking in the back (pantry) door with it that February day (she didn't gift-wrap it, due to arthritis). It was just "there" in her hand, I saw it but could hardly believe it. She passed it on to me and I was GONE. I remain, to this day, quite happily, GONE. I can't remember ever having enough money in my little pockets to buy anything other than candy and baseball cards until I was probably 10 or so. I'm pretty sure mine was "The Monkees Greatest Hits", the Colgems disc with the "crazy" black and orange "reverse" psychedelic cover. I've a picture of myself in Disneyland that year on family vacation, getting off a ride, wearing my red, double-breasted (with the white buttons) Monkees shirt and my buckle-to-one-side-style Peter Tork big leather belt. Far freakin' out, man. Y'all have got me going back to a VERY good place. Thanks. Jeff T. Delaware