> my wife groaned There were quite a few titles I was going to mention...but after taking a quick scan at David Bash's list, I realized he beat me to most of them. Great list, David...jeez, there's a bunch I don't have.... But here's a few that haven't been mentioned yet, I think (and definitely check out Jeffrey Glenn's Lost Jukebox series -- here's that link again http://lostjukebox.tripod.com ): The Fading Yellow series -- 5 great CD releases so far http://www.beatbehindthedykes.com/FY.html Liner notes for the two most recent releases, 4 & 5: http://www.marmalade-skies.co.uk/newfadingyellow.htm Spiritual Obscurities - 12 volumes so far, more to come! The great Rev-Ola label has reissued quite a few gems, some of which have been mentioned already (esp. Thomas & Richard Frost's 'Visualize', one of my favorites): http://www.revola.co.uk/ Roger Nichols And The Small Circle Of Friends Duncan Browne - Give Me Take You Bryan