Yeah; I've become something of a sucker for Curt Boettcher as well. Although Joe doesn't mention it, he was the production muscle/genius behind the Association as well. Who else? These aren't 60s acts; but they are all to some extent throwbacks. Jeff Larson: America meets the Beach Boys on a breezy spring day. If it is summer, play this guy's records. PS: I think Foskett is involved in production. Jeff Foskett: I only have the one where he does a dozen duets each with another artist; the Crenshaw song is pure ear candy. Jim Boggia: Borrows liberally from every record you liked as a kid, layers it with acoustic guitars and a sweet voice. Lindsey Buckingham (it isn't all soft, but "All My Sorrows" off Out of the Cradle will melt your heart.) The artist behind Fleetwood Mac. Don't get me started. High Llamas (Brian Wilson with modern instruments. Hawaii is cool but a little "post-modern"; I'd probably recommend Gideon Gaye instead.) Chamber Strings: I only have A Month of Sundays, but the title is apt; nice and lush. Pearlfishers: I played their '02 release first thing every weekend morning all last summer. Florapop: Whereas this summer I'll probably go with this one. ----- Original Message ----- From: "J&J Giddings" To: Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 2:25 PM Subject: Re: 60s soft pop > > > > i was thinking it'd be cool to read a handful of your lists of bands with > descriptions and their best compilations/albums to serve as a guide to some upcoming purchases. > > I am also one of the transformed(by this list) soft-poppers. > Some things I really enjoyed: > > Sagittarius - Present Tense: Fantastic psychedelic syrup in the vein of Mommas and the Papas. Very trippy lyrics; sort of new age-cum-Lord of the Rings. HA! One of the sweetest voices in pop history heard here, belonging to Curt Boetcher(sp?). > > Tokens - Intercourse: Hailed here a number of times, this probably rocks more than anything they ever recorded, but has some real sweet spots, as well. However, the disc clocks in around 28 minutes or so. > > Anything by the Association. > > Ballroom/Millennium - Again Curt Boetcher's production and arranging skills, as well as his voice, are the centerpiece of these two bands. I think there's a compilation of both albums(one never released) and some Sagittarius demos.(which IMHO sound even better than the album versions.) > > There's so much more...Mr. Bash? > hope this helps.. > later, joe > > > >