Hi, Here's another vote for "All For Leyna" as a great tune. I was in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame a couple years ago. The John Lennon exhibit was fascinating and the Hall was a great place to be. What impressed me the most, though, was a small display case with Billy Joel memorabilia. In it was a simple school notebook with ruled paper. On the pages were the handwritten lyrics of Billy Joel's. To see the crossed out and re-written verses to "Honesty" just got to me. I guess it made me appreciate the process that eventually becomes a masterpiece (to me, at least). Not being a songwriter, in the back of my mind I still had the naive notion that these things came together in one big complete burst of inspiration. It made Billy much more human to see that the lyrics had to be tweaked over time to produce the song I liked so much. Mike - who gave up trying to hate music I was supposed to hate when I heard "Calling Dr. Love" by Kiss. I guess the KissFreaks back in school were on to something.