Re: Greg's point -- of course, part of their songwriting skill might be a byproduct of playing so many great cover tunes -- how can you learn to write good songs until you've played a bunch of 'em? That worked well for all of the British Invasion bands.... Mike Bennett Record reviews and more at >From: "Sager, Greg" >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: Re: Be on the lookout for: The Pages >Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2003 10:38:41 -0500 This past IPO I expected more of the same. But instead I was >pleasantly surprised that they: a) had ceased to be a covers band; and b) >had written some surprisingly good originals. Their energy, mannerisms, and >Liverpudlian influences were still the same -- but they had leaped to the >next step over the past year, and done so with aplomb. Nevin's Live booker >Mitch Marlow also manages the Pages, and he was the one who urged the band >to begin writing originals. But I'm willing to bet that even Mitch was >surprised at how well their initial efforts at songwriting turned out. It's >a good reminder that rock'n'roll history is replete with examples of >barely-postpubescent songwriters who got very good at the craft very >quickly. _________________________________________________________________ Help STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*