Drew said.. It IS a good comp, but my favorite Forbert is still his first, ALIVE ON ARRIVAL. Haven't spun it for a while, but I can still play that sucker in my head all the way through. "Goin' Down To Laurel," "What Kinda Guy," "You Cannot Win If You Do Not Play," ---great stuff. "It Isn't Gonna Be That Way" STILL almost makes me cry. I agree Drew! As Stewart said, Forbert has many a great tune on his various discs. However, his first remains my favorite too. It has great tunes with break your heart lyrics, some clever lyrics and just darn funny lyrics (as in "what kind of guy" with the belted out line..."I'm here for lovin' but I ain't noooo slut"). Anyway, I still put this disc on from time to time and almost every song is wonderful. I wonder if Stevie in an odd way, fought against the hype that came his way. His second album got sort of slagged by critics at the time per it some new musical directions he was taking (he was supposed to be Dylan after all). I remember his response to this being simply, "I made the album I wanted to make not what others wanted me to make". Later he had some goofy titles for his albums such as "little stevie orbit". Maybe I'm stretching it but he never seemed to take himself nearly as seriously as the Dylan crowners did. Anyway, as someone said, he very good live too. Bonus points for who can name what video he had a cameo in? Best, Steve