Great post, Lee, especially the paragraph about mainstream music buyers not wanting to be saved from their tastes. Over the years I've occasionally detected on Audities a certain amount of impatience with, if not outright derision towards, the casual music buyer/listener. It's an attitude with which I can identify, since I also find myself looking down my nose every now and then at people who are content to restrict their music spending to maybe one or two CDs of predigested major-label pap per year, who only take in an occasional hockey-barn megashow if they ever see any live music at all, and who generally go through life thinking of music as nothing more than a peripheral pleasure. It's good to remember to take a step back and observe that personal passions are not universal sentiments -- even when the passion in question is something as ubiquitous as music. Your comments about fashion are an apt analogy, but they could just as equally apply to such alternate passions as religion, politics, gardening, sports -- anything that qualifies as a pervasive obsession held in common by a large group of people. The fact that I devote so much of my time, money, and energy to music instead of fashion doesn't make me superior to someone whose interests are the reverse of mine. And it's good to be reminded of that. So thanks, Lee. Gregory Sager