After leaving L.A. almost 14 months ago, I'm really looking forward to returning to see a lot of my old friends and meeting some new ones during the IPO Fest in L.A. I'm very excited about the new band lineup for my July 19th IPO/L.A. appearance @ Zen Sushi in Silverlake at 9:00 PM. The musicians who will be joining me that evening as members of my band will be Rick Gallego (CLOUD ELEVEN) and Rick Hromadka (MAPLE MARS) on guitars, Eric Jerde (who played drums on "Some Sing, Some Dance" on my "THE CHARLES BEAT" CD), and myself on bass. Half the set will be new material including a few songs that will appear on a brand new album I hope to start recording later this year. I've also just finished mastering 2 DVD collections of my old concerts & tv appearances from the late '70's to the present which I hope to release this October. My cd collection "The Charles Beat (Best of the Boston Years 1977-1981 & Now)" was out of print for awhile, but I've recently re-released it and have made it available again through Jam Records, Kool Kat Musik, Not Lame, Paisley Pop or directly through me. I know that a lot of you were on my Permanent Press e-mail & mailing list. If you wish to be added to my updated e-mailings, please contact me personally off-list at: Anyway...I hope to see and meet many of you out in L.A. on Saturday, July 19th. With The Tearaways ( I love that band!), Chris Von Sneidern, Supremium, Quarter After, Magnaphonic, & Steve Barton also on the bill that night, how can you go wrong. It should be a really fun night. See you in L.A. Best regards, Ray Paul