Joe Field on the New Pornographers: >I haven't picked up either of the NP cds, but what I've heard on comps, I've liked. In >truth, the name of the group stalls me from buying into this band. Even as a joke, I >just don't want to buy something from people calling themselves "pornographers". > Still, I kinda dig their music... Judging from what I've gleaned about your tastes on this list, Joe, I believe you would really like ELECTRIC VERSION. Somehow, these guys got by me last time --even though I was a big Zumpano fan-- but I'd heard about them here and elsewhere, and when ELECTRIC VERSION showed up on eMusic, I brought it down and am very glad I did. There's plenty of good music in power-pop land, but as we've discussed many times, smart lyrics are far rarer. I would put NP's Carl Newman and Dan Bejar into the same company as Schlesinger/Collingwood, Stew, Robbie Rist and precious few others who work a sort of "mocking yet celebrating" theme in their story-songs. Ugh, that's not clear but it's late and I have to go to bed because tomorrow I'll be surrounded by scores of shrieking children. (Harry Potter Day at the bookstore.) Who can tell me how ELECTRIC VERSION compares to MASS ROMANTIC? And Joe, does this mean that Flying Colors doesn't carry Milo Manara's comics? ;-) Drew np: The Thorns. Man, this shore is purty.