I just got The Pages demo in today, and I have to say, if this is what the major labels are fighting it out with each other over these days, it's very good news for those members of the audities list who want to take the oft-mentioned "our music" to the masses. The Pages are a north suburban Chicago group of teenagers and just-barely-20-somethings who play a *completely* Beatles-inspired brand of rock -- and I do mean rock. While you can hear touches of everything from 'Please Please Me' onward in their work, they definitely seem to have spent more time with 'The White Album' and 'Abbey Road' than with 'Revolver.' In fact, the first three or four times I saw The Pages, they were doing all 60s covers, mostly Fabs, but also some Stones, Dylan, and even the Velvet Underground. As time passed, originals started working their way into the sets more and more often, and the group recently recorded a set of eleven of their own songs --and apparently, the majors are VERY interested. The band has recently played a series of command showcases, including one that they were flown to at label expense in Atlanta. It's so funny, because a couple of years ago, I was thinking The Pages were likely just going to get pegged as a novelty (high school kids playing music their parents -- or perhaps even their GRANDparents listened to), and now it seems they've caught the ears of a number of important people. Most importantly, though, the songs are GOOD. Some are thoughtful, some are clever, and many are just stoopid rock and roll, but it's obvious that the band members have really studied the Lennon-McCartney songcraft, not just the surface stuff. From the sound of the album, I would guess it was recorded on vintage gear --it's warm and reverb-y, with no bells and whistles whatsoever. The playing is top-notch, and the vocals have a depth that belie the fact that they were produced by a kid who hardly looks old enough to drive (although I believe he will be a senior this coming year). Of course, all that said, it could happen that the band will get signed by a major and we'll never hear from them again, or that whichever label they sign to will "reimage" them to be the next Strokes or who knows what, but on the off chance none of those things happen, and they actually get a release and promo push for a record that sounds anything like this demo...well, that would be quite something. And the fact of the matter is, the band has that something that labels are constantly looking for -- it would certainly stand out, not sounding like ANYTHING else on the radio right now... Sorry, no website, no MP3s (yet). For those of you in and around Chicago, The Pages are playing an "all 60s" set this Saturday night at Nevin's Live in Evanston. Go Pages! --Shawn __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month! http://sbc.yahoo.com