Let the bullshit begin! >From: Craig Leve >Reply-To: audities@smoe.org >To: "'audities@smoe.org'" >Subject: Re: FOW and Billy Joel? (rant warning) >Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2003 14:03:43 -0700 > >Honestly this post and stuff like Gabe's make me at once really sad, but >also angry (and heck, sad isn't hard for me, but angry isn't something I >have in much quantity). The moments I want to leave this list are when >folks >tell me whether something fits THEIR cookie cutter. No, I'm not champing on >about the 'Audities party line' issue, which we've sliced and diced, ad >nauseum. I really don't like folks announcing for me where the borders are, >and what labels I should apply. Basically what the *rhymes with puck* does >it matter if Billy Joel is "ROCK" in the scheme of things and on what basis >are you even passing this judgement? I don't mean to sound sanctimonious, >but honestly - we're capable of much better around here. I'm not averse to >good solid criticism, and the very witty and SUBSTANTIVE dressing down that >goes on here, reveals a lot of naked emperors. But these posts are just >lunkhead ad hominen wanking as far as I'm concerned. Honestly these kinds >of >posts make me less scared to post - not more. When the list sinks this >low, >it really takes away the barriers to saying just about anything. In that >vein, I hope you'll excuse this rant. > >For the record: I'm a fan of Billy Joel, though not over the top. I agree >with the poster who lauded "All for Leyna" - what a GREAT record. I'm not >much of a fan of rap, but I honestly believe there is much more to this >world than is dreamt of in my own philosophy. I simply don't know it >sufficiently to offer much, so I don't. > >When I love this list: at it's most guilt-free, championing old & new music >that truly rings someone's bell. When I read something that leads me to >hear >something old, but fresh again - making me rethink it - sometimes for good, >and sometimes for worse. In other words, I don't need all the 'up with >music' but for god sakes, give me something to consider. > >again, apologies for going off - but sometimes I feel like we're just >getting our groove back, and something kicks us right back to this sorry >spot. Hoping I'm not a contributor to that. best, > >craig > >-----Original Message----- >From: Free, Doug [mailto:DFree@thedoctors.com] >Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2003 1:36 PM >To: 'audities@smoe.org' >Subject: Re: FOW and Billy Joel? > > >I really like the 1st FOW record (and that's the only one I own, so I can't >judge the new one) but I have to agree with Gabriel....Billy + Joel does >not >= rock. -Doug > >-----Original Message----- >From: Gabriel Fuentes [mailto:gabriel.fuentes@sbcglobal.net] >Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2003 1:31 PM >To: audities@smoe.org >Subject: FOW and Billy Joel? > > >Ok..now I know why I feel so bland about the new FOW--it is inspired by >Billy Joel.. > >Billy Joel and has nothing to do with rock'n'roll... > >thanks explaining this to me you all.. > >all the best, > >gabriel _________________________________________________________________ Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*. http://join.msn.com/?page=features/featuredemail