I wanted to post something about how the song "Please Come To Boston" always -- for reasons unknown -- gets on my damned nerves, and how I actually saw the guy (Dave Loggins) perform the song in January, 1981 in a bar in Keystone, Colorado, while I was an 18 year old Air Force trainee off on a drunken weekend lark. When I looked him up on www.allmusic.com, all I found was this sad, brief epitaph...I mean...biography: "Dave Loggins wrote for MCA Music in New York before recording on the Vanguard label in 1972. His fifteen minutes of fame came in 1974 with "Please Come to Boston." He is the second cousin of Kenny Loggins." Second fiddle as well as second cousin, apparently; how beautifully sad. Well, I posted this. Guess I got what I wanted. kErrY kOMpOsT www.mp3.com/kompost NP: Spock's Beard - Feel Euphoria