At 12:44 PM 6/19/2003 -0700, Jocelyn Geboy wrote: >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~you know.... i totally agree with the >point you're making, stewart. i didn't care for >billy's statement, either. however...i don't really >care for you calling people dumb and boneheaded. >that's not the kind of atmosphere i'd like to see >perpetuated here. and i think it's the reason a lot of >lurkers stay lurkers. i think there's a way to get an >opinion across without resorting to what is tantamount >to namecalling. I apologize if any of my statements offended your delicate sensibilities, Jocelyn. However, I'm a firm believer in the idea that if someone -- even someone you like, and I genuinely like Billy -- makes a dumb, boneheaded statement, then I'm going to say, "that's a dumb, boneheaded statement." Pussyfooting around it doesn't help anyone. S