At 03:24 PM 6/19/2003 -0400, Harris, Will wrote: >>But, still, this is a mailing list mainly devoted to a musical style >>(powerpop) that is mainly based on melodies, and actually quite >>derivative in trying to bring back the old classic song/melody/harmony >>oriented pop songwriting style again. This makes it likely that a lot of >>people here _will_ dislike most hip-hop for its lack of those exact >>qualities, doesn't it? > >I think, ultimately, one needs to remember that it's possible to like many >different types of music... And that "most" and "all" are very different concepts; what Jason and I, among others, are railing against is the idea that "all hip-hop is useless, tuneless garbage." This hierarchical view of music is exactly the sort of thing that makes other people make statements like "all power pop groups wish it was 1965 again," or "all country musicians are brain-dead rednecks," equally biased and ill-informed statements. "All" is a dangerous term to use in any musical context. S NP: LIVE 1967 -- Danny Thompson (jazz-folk from the Pentangle's bassist that's about as far from both hip-hop and power pop as you can get, but I love it)