"Just The Way You Are" mangles me (in a good way). When I was a lad of 15, I helped my Dad move one of my college-bound older sisters from Burlington, Vermont to Detroit Rock City; driving the U-Haul van through upstate New York and through the province of Ontario, that song was on the radio *constantly* (sheesh, that ALBUM (The Stranger) was everywhere that fall, IIRC). Definitely one of those "soundtrack to a moment" songs: I can still smell the rain and see the wet highway, can still taste the interstate food and see my Dad's goofy grin, when I hear it. Other than JTWYA -- like interstate food -- there's not a whole hell of a lot of Billy Joel that I can stomach these days. Saturday Night Live, bicycle handle-bar mounted AM radios, beanbag 'chairs', macramé owls, space food sticks, lime-green shag carpet: this was my adolescence. I bear no shame for my avocado-n-rust, trash-white origins. Have a nice day. kErrY kOMpOsT www.mp3.com/kompost NP: A Fair Forgery of Pink Floyd - Various Artists