----- Original Message ----- From: "Jocelyn Geboy" > --- josh chasin wrote: > > Another great Audities thread: what songs make you > > want to actually go out > > and kill someone? My list: > > > > "Baker Street" Gerry Rafferty Actually , Jocelyn, since you ask-- yes, there is. It all started at a 5,000 watt radio station in Fresno, California... No, seriously. You have to admit that the sax riff in that song is somewhat... insistent. The summer it was out ('78) I was a 19 and working in my father's factory. We would drive out-- 43 minutes to the tick each AM-- I'd work a hot grueling sweaty 8-hour shift on the loading dock, 8 Am - 4 PM. Then-- because he was the boss and worked 10 hours-- I'd sit around till he was ready to go home. Then I'd go home-- same 43 minutes-- eat dinner, collapse asleep, and wake up next day and repeat. Now my Dad actually used to like the rock stations, which was nice-- we never argued about what radio station to play-- and so I must have heard that damned song 15 times a week all summer (it certainly seemed like that.) So that sax solo is burned into my brain as being associated with that brutal grind. By the way, there was another song that summer that has the same effect-- Bruce Springsteen's "Factory." Not nearly as ubiquitous on the radio, but the lyrics hit much closer to home. You'd like to think I took a lesson from that summer and really hit the books when I went back to college in the fall. Sadly, you'd be wrong. Unless by "books" you mean "bong."