At 11:16 PM 6/15/2003 -0700, Michael Coxe wrote: >Now maybe some of the records Bob S. mentioned (Wallace Collection's >The Sea Disappeared is certainly a CLASSIC, maybe the best song of it's >kind) might be extremely special, even essential, but to slag Billy >Nicholls in an offhand manner is a low blow. Songs like Come Again, >Life Is Short, Portabello Road from WOULD YOU BELIEVE & White Lightning >from LOVE SONGS sound to be among the better concoctions of late-60's >British pop. Chacun a son gout 'n' stuff, I guess. I think the song "Would You Believe" is absolutely magical, one of the finest pop singles of its time -- its only competition in the same style of UK psychedelicized soft-pop is Twice As Much's "Nighttime Girl" -- but with the exception of the very Kinksy "London Social Degree," the rest of that album leaves me kind of cold. Pretty enough, but nowhere near the masterpiece I'd been led to believe it was. Perhaps that's why I like the Aerovons record: I listened to it expecting very little and was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. S