I don't know if this song was a hit South of the border, or if anyone down there even knows who Tom Cochrane is, but he had a huge hit here in Canada about ten years ago called "Life Is A Highway". Not a bad song per se, but I once worked a catering job, the opening of the 407 Express Toll Route Highway, serving coffee and muffins to various officials and press people from 7am until the early afternoon by the side of the new highway. They had a big P.A. set up and when the five minutes of speeches were over, they proceeded to blare said tune at considerable volume for the remainder of the day as people came and went. It probably played 30 or 40 times. In the years since, animals and small children have been injured in my haste to get to the power switch of any stereo, radio or electrical device that dares to attempt to play that song... Luke