Stewart, on Jaimie's complaint about too-loud car stereos: > It's always been a dream of mine to get possession of a car like that and > then drive the streets blasting something along the lines of, say, Luciano > Berio and Cathy Berberian's version of John Cage's Fontana Mix. Just to > see what the reactions would be. Back in my 1980s stereo-salesman days, when you could get free equipment from the manufacturers if you sold enough of it, I did indeed have a car system that could play ridiculously loud without distortion. Every once in a while, like-minded friends and I would cruise around, blasting Dead Can Dance, This Mortal Coil or the KOYAANISQATSI soundtrack, just to see how passers-by would react. Well, people looked puzzled and/or annoyed, and that was about it. I must have had a lower threshold of fun back then. By the way, I am enjoying WELCOME INTERSTATE MANAGERS just as much as I expected to, which is to say, a whole bunch. I say 54 minutes is too short! Drew np: The Deal - GOODBYE SEPTEMBER (Not Lame) This is the first record in a long time that I bought virtually on a whim, just because Bruce put it out and the on-site sound clips were appealing. The gamble paid off. It's terrific, certainly my favorite reissue of the year (if you can even call it a "reissue;" this collection never existed before). I'll probably have more to say about this later, after a few more spins.