Background: I have proposed (and had accepted on 2 stations so far) a 3-hour radio show, in short, where I will be playing exclusively vinyl records (mostly forgotten tunes from lesser known bands). And rather than cart two turntables, and milkcrates full of records to the station and back every week, I thought it might be possible to do the show live from my recording studio and stream it out to be picked up by the 2 stations that have expressed interest so far. I don't necessarily want to stream to the public because of royalties issues (let the radio stations deal with that), but just so they can grab the signal on the other end. This would make my saturdays way less stressful, and I'd have better equip at my disposal and 10,000 LP's ready for requests.... so, the Q: The missing link in this EQ is obviously the wares I need to use on my end to upload the live audio content, and the wares to unravel it for broadcast on the other end. Audio only for now, but I'd like to do live uploads w/video eventually for bands that are recording in my studio, so that fans can look in on the process. Anybody out there have a clue as to which wares to use? I know there's some folks on this list already doing internet radio et al., so I'd love to get some advice on doing this. I've already got the sponsors lined up for it...... Thanks!!! -Mike 'wiz' Wisland