Last week, the Wheat from Chaff music festival was held around the L.A. area. ( I could only attend two nights, but what great nights they were! Feathergun are a really fun, tight band. Influences range from Jellyfish to Matthew Sweet to Weezer. They did this hilarious medley...I can't even begin to tell you the songs contained within. I think I heard some Prince, some Spice Girls, some was really cool. Rayzing Sons...I don't even know where to start. Not pop, they describe themselves as URBAN ROCK (all caps) at its finest. A little metal, a little rap, a little funk. High energy and something different. A bit of a sorbet to cleanse the palate before Eugene Edwards. If you think you might be interested, PLEASE go to Eugene Edwards had another great set, this time with Robbie Rist on bass duties...particularly cool because of the great harmonies they mustered up. I know you've seen it before, but it bears repeating... for mp3s The next night, an all to rare set by the Andersons! I'm sad I wasn't in LA when they played all over the place. It was loose and loud and hella fun. That's right, I said "HELLA!!!" Another big hella goes out to the Sparklejets U.K. who overcame smelly socks, busted guitar strings, and too many cameras by playing a shredding set. That's right, I said SHREDDING!! Last night, I finally got to see the New Pornographers. Sold out show at the Knitting Factory, heard there were "celebs" in attendance, but I didn't see any in the dark. Too busy scoping out the adorable indie boys. (Husband was with me, scoping out the adorable indie's a thing we do.) I've been listening to "Electric Version" almost as much as I've been listening to Mike Nesmith lately, and that's saying something. To see them perform live was so awesome. Neko Case really is a goddess. I've resisted for long enough, thinking her to be too good to be true, but it IS true, dammit!! It was really great to see Carl Newman front a band again, I miss Zumpano so much. Only got to see them twice and I'll always treasure that. GO SEE THIS BAND if they come to your town. Not only do they play like demons, they are HILARIOUS on stage. I was laughing my ass of. This concludes my recent concert wrap up. Thank you for your time. Anna ===== TallBoy Records P.O. Box 27757 Los Angeles, CA 90027-0757