On Mon, 9 Jun 2003 Beth2459@aol.com wrote: > We had the unexpected pleasure of seeing Richard Julian perform right after > MC at Tattoo in Baltimore. I only knew him by name as a co-writer with Marshall > Crenshaw, and almost got him confuses with the guy who played bass with > Matthew Sweet! duh. He gave us a powerful set of songs and we spontaneously bought > all 3 CDs he had for sale. Looks like he will gain a larger gaggle of > followers this summer when folks hear him opening up for Norah Jones. Hooray for the > singer songwriter guy getting on a big tour! > > http://www.richardjulian.com/ > I love love love Richard Julian's stuff. He has an incredible gift for storytelling, and a terrific dry, wit. It's great to see him beginning to get some attention. I urge you all to check out "Boca Raton Motel" (*great* song), "Florida," and "The Wrong Bus." Andrea