Hi, We had our community radio music garage sale in the weekend - people donate old albums and CDs and we sell them cheap - and at the end we auction the rest off by the box - 5th year in a row and we still fill a small hall with music - pretty amazing for a city of 120,000 people in the middle of the Canadian prairies. I was working and not bothering to sift though the racks myself until I got to see what some people were walking out with for $1 and album - so I took a quick run through and picked up 2 Shame Idols, Grays, Brad Jones, Kennedys, Gravel Pit, Uncut Beatles Tribute, Harvey Danger and a couple others for $22 Canadian! Less that what I paid for The Grays on E-Bay the first time. Lots of fun ('cept for hauling 5000+ albums), and our most effective fund-raiser every year. The best part is watching the sweaty hyper-ventilating collectors guarding their piles of 200 albums. Lee www.anotherplanet.ca