Thanks to everyone who came out and supported Michael Carpenter on the last leg of his US tour. As far as I know he has totally sold out of all of the merch he brought with him which is always a good sign. Also thanks for those who waited out the delays at Mixfest for IKE's set. Luckily the band got to play, they sorted out the vocal mix after the first song and a lot of folks were digging them. It was a great weekend for pop along the east coast! We had the unexpected pleasure of seeing Richard Julian perform right after MC at Tattoo in Baltimore. I only knew him by name as a co-writer with Marshall Crenshaw, and almost got him confuses with the guy who played bass with Matthew Sweet! duh. He gave us a powerful set of songs and we spontaneously bought all 3 CDs he had for sale. Looks like he will gain a larger gaggle of followers this summer when folks hear him opening up for Norah Jones. Hooray for the singer songwriter guy getting on a big tour! Looking forward to seeing Brian Wilson at the Hatch Shell this Saturday in Boston. Look for the groupie and the popster and say hi :-) Hopefully we will make it to the Figgs at TTs later that night too! beth