> Hey All, > > The latest MOJO had an article about a CD reissue of the > AeroVons' LP "Resurrection" which is supposedly a Beatlesque > classic that has sat in the EMI vaults for 35 years. Anyone have this > and does it live up to the hype? Is it even out yet? Worth the $22 > price? > > Thanks, > > Herb Somers Yes, it's definitely available. The Aerovons album is a solid '60s album with several songs that are extremely influenced by The Beatles and an opening cut, "World Of You", which is absolutely gorgeous. I fear, like it was for The Billy Nicholls 'Would You Believe' disc after it was heartily hailed as the second coming of Pet Sounds, The Aerovons 'Resurrection' isn't going to live up to the hype and suffer greatly from the inevitable Beatle comparisons. Hopefully people who buy it can divorce themselves from the Abbey Road Studios or Beatle hoopla surrounding it, and view it as the good album it is. Worth $22? That's a tough call, but it's a good disc. I'll be co-writing a piece on The Aerovons for Goldmine, but the MOJO article has quite a bit of info already. -- Pop Rules!!!!! Take Care, David (n.p. advance CDRs of IPO Vol. 6)