I got the Monkees first season DVD box a couple of weeks ago. I just love Mike Nesmith so much it hurts my little heart. I'm even starting to have dreams about him. Last night I dreamt that I held his hand to help him through a bad acid trip! Unfortunately, due to the bad trip, we were unable to make out. Anyway, having missed most of the re-airings of this series, it's like I'm watching it for the first time. There's a lot to love, but also a lot to scratch my head at since the pacing and cuts are erratic. Part of the charm of the show. The "minute short" bits at the end of several episodes are darling, it's a drag things went so sour for most involved. Now I'm wondering what the best Monkees books are. I have a couple, but I'm interested in reading more. Any help appreciated! Anna Trying to convince her husband to grow his hair long, part it way on the side, and wear wool hats. I'm growing my hair long for him, it's the least he could do in return.... ===== TallBoy Records P.O. Box 27757 Los Angeles, CA 90027-0757 http://www.tallboyrecords.com