Brian Curtis wrote: >>From >Legendary record producer Mickie Most has died after a year long battle with >cancer. He was 64. Contradicting an Audities rule about reposting from other lists, I forward Mark Wirtz's comments regarding the esteemed Mr Most (who I thank forever for giving Nicky Chinn & Michael Chapman a songwiting gig, which they took much further on their own). Mr Wirtz - btw - is no slouch himself. Reposted from Spectropop: >From: Mark Wirtz >Subject: Mickie Most, RIP It is with great shock and sadness that I read the announcement of Mickie Most's passing. Mickie was arguably the most professionally astute and market savvy record producer in UK pop music history, his nigh clairvoyant skill of spotting potential Star talent and hit material only equaled by US counter part Clive Davis. Mickie Most made his most profound impression on me when, utterly contradicting his mercenary image, he picked up a 45, held it up and said, with the most sincere and passionate expression on his face, " Records... You know what they are? Canned emotions. That's what they are. Canned emotions." That simple truth has remained indelibly etched in my mind and heart ever since. With infinite respect for a maverick, whose legacy will resonate for decades to come, Mark Wirtz