My friend Carolyn Edwards (The Negro Problem, 3-D Picnic, Spindle) is playing a rare, full-band show this weekend, and it's free, too! IMO, she's a notorious under-promoter, so I'm forwarding this invitation on her behalf in the hopes that some of you will join us for an evening of great melodic music. kErrY kOMpOsT NP: Little Atlas - Neverworldly +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* +*+* Hi everyone - hope you're enjoying the springtime. Just wanted to let you know that I'll be performing this Saturday, June 7th, at the Taix Lounge in Echo Park, for a free show. It'll probably be the only time I play this year, as I've been busy recording (and watching "Buffy" on DVD; after all, I have my priorities). I'll be singing and playing the piano, as always; Probyn Gregory will be on trumpet and guitar (not at the same time, though he could probably do it), Little Steven Stanley on guitar and vocals, the lovely Carrie Bartsch on violin, Nelson Bragg (The Great Neldinski) on percussion, and special celebrity guest star Kristian Hoffman on keyboards. I'm very happy to be sharing the bill with one of my favorite local bands - I See Hawks In L.A.; also on the bill are the reunited Rubyfish, together again for their comeback variety show special. If you didn't have the pleasure of seeing Rubyfish in the `90's, you're in for a treat. Taix Lounge is located at 1911 Sunset Blvd., in Echo Park. It's dark, comfy, and there's delicious French food; it's my favorite restaurant in L.A. The show starts around 9:30. I perform first, followed by I See Hawks In L.A., then Rubyfish. The show is free. Hope to see you there! Love, ce