As Morley mentioned in an earlier post, I was Arthur Lee's guitar tech for the UCLA show. All I know is that paramedics paid a visit backstage prior to the UCLA show to take a look at Arthur's leg and/or ankle, and that Arthur was in pain before, during, and after the performance. Apparently, the paramedics deemed him physically fit to go on, although it was obvious that he wasn't feeling 100%. As Joe Field posted, the band did a *great* job of helping Arthur during the performance; it was emotionally moving for me, watching Rusty, Mike Randle and Dave Chapple gently coach Arthur through the setlist. It's obvious those guys care deeply about him, and they delivered one hell of show in spite of Arthur's injury. Mike Randle, in particular, blew me away; that man was *born* to be a rock star, I tell ya. My salad is all wrong. kErrY kOMpOsT