Nebraska stop last Friday evening. This backyard event was attended by around 40 bodies (including a gaggle of amped up chilluns). From the sounds of it, the demographics were very similar to Bruce's Not Lame gig. Here are my random thoughts on the evening: The vast majority of people there were newbies to the Michael's music. However, it did not take more than a couple of songs before he had the crowd fully in his control. I would bet that most of our guests had not purchased a cd by a new artist in many a moon. By the end of the first break in between sets, most everyone had purchased at least one of his cd's, and many had purchased 2-3! Michael forgot the words to "Mr. Tambourine Man", but turned it to his advantage by his own self deprecating wit. In the second set he freaked everyone out by pretending to forget the lines to one of his own songs. This has already been noted in previous tour reports, but it bears repeating. His rapport with the audience, and the in between song anecdotes, set up each new song brilliantly. At one point when he mentioned that he was talking too much, someone shouted out that they loved the stories. Songs from all 3 solo releases were played, as well as covers by The Beatles, Cloud Eleven, Monkees, Dylan & the Brady Bunch! The crowd provided hand-claps & background shouts for both Beatles covers, much to Michael's pleasure. After the show, he had a crowd of autograph seekers surrounding him. To have this happen in your own backyard is truly surreal. But happen it did, and the entire visit will remain a cherished memory, impervious to fade. Thanks to Bruce/Not Lame for leading me to the talent back in '99, thanks to Anna Borg for coordinating the tour stops & being such a selfless promoter of good music, and of course thanks to Michael & Kelly for traveling so far to share the music. ---Steve