Even though a nasty head cold kept me from traveling down to St. Louis and Belleville this weekend to see Adam Marsland perform, I did get to play host to Adam as a "crash pad" after his Sunday gig before he had to head on to Chicago. The upshot of this, aside from not having met face-to-face before (which was pleasant enough), was that I got to hear several tracks from Adam's forthcoming solo CD. Not your father's Cockeyed Ghost at all. He's gone a little rootsier - perhaps a result of playing acoustic solo shows - and at times reminded me of Kevin Gilbert. Guests include Evie Sands and various Wondermints - sounds included some real cellos and lap steel. Very cool sounding stuff, and I for one am anxious to hear the whole thing when released. So those of you in the path of Adam's current solo tour, make a point to try and attend. I wish I had been able to do so, but my nose is still arguing with me (makes it real fun to try singing, by the way). And hey Adam, if you see this - "...a planet where apes evolved from men?..." "Hi Keeba" Brioohs